Wednesday, 12 December 2012

Ex student magazine adverts

Above are a few ex students work on their magazines and one on the actual digipack and the details that they use and the way they go about it are very interesting. The top one has the release date in big bold writing in comparison to the bottom student work which has all the tour dates in a smaller font all down the advert. The reason the font for the top advert is so big in comparison is they are just promoting the digipack whereas the soundtrack to chaos advert is trying to promote their music with the use of a tour. This is often the case with music artists to make them and their music more recognised and popular.

The digipack in the middle is using all of the digipack conventions with the bar code the spine having the album name and artist and also the company logo. The name of the album lets the audience know that the artist is young because 'reem' is a colloquial term used by the youth in todays time. The fact that each of these examples have the artist faces on the front put me at a slight disadvantage for comparing or being able to learn and use the techniques they have. The reason for this is I want my cover to be done with Graffiti and not my artist on the front. However looking at this has helped me and made me aware that the essentials like the bar code and the record company logo and clear writing are necessary  for a magazine article and  for my digipack to make it believable and effective.

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