The song is still upbeat but it has more of a mellow, solemn feel to it. Because of this, already the colours are much more neutral than the Home Run video and Misha B is styled much more casually. The video still has an urban edge; the location being in the city, on building tops and basketball courts.
The video uses Illustration, using seperate base-tracks to make Misha B the narrator, while the other shots tell the story of a young girl and her absent father.
It has many typical aspects of a music video of this genre; close-ups of the artist whe she is belting the big lines, slow-motion through the emotional flash-backs, a change in base-tracks for the chorus, jump-cuts to the beat.
I think I prefer this video to Home Run as it seems much more personal to Misha B as an artist, as opposed to her first video which was created solely for entertainment purposes.